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Skull anatomy l General anatomy MCQs for dental students

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Skull anatomy l General human anatomy MCQs (multiple choice question) for dental students 



  •      is the  skeleton of the head and face which is formed of 21 fixed bones ( 5 single and 8 paired) in addition to one movable bone which is the mandible.

¦ The fixed bones articulate together by fibrous joints called sutures.

¦ The word cranium )skull without mandible) denotes the part of  skull enclosing & protecting the brain while facial skeleton denotes the part of front of skull below the orbital cavity  and the word calvaria means the skull cap or vault .

¦ *The skull is described externally from five aspects, each one is known as norma while the interior of skull ( cranial cavity ) is described after removal of skull cap.

Norma Verticalis
(Superior View of Skull)


*It consists of 4 bones articulating together by 3 sutures as follows:

¦ Four bones: Frontal bone anteriorly, 2 parietal bones in the middle and occipital bone posteriorly.

¦ Three sutures: Coronal, sagittal and lambdoid suture:

@ Coronal suture: separates the frontal & two parietal bones, anteriorly.

@ Sagittal suture: separates the two parietal bones in the middle line .

@ Lambdoid suture: separates the occipital and 2 parietal bones, posteriorly.

v  Norma verticalis shows the following features:

1.      Frontal eminences

  •     They are the most prominent areas on the frontal bone  .

2.      Parietal eminences

  •    They are the most prominent areas on the parietal bones.

3.      Parietal emissary foramen

  •     (It may be absent) It lies close to the sagittal suture and transmits emissary vein.

4.      Bregma : 

  •     The point of meeting of the coronal and sagittal sutures. It is the site of the anterior fontanelle in the foetus. It is filled with diamond-shaped membrane which ossifies about 18 months after birth.

5.      Vertex : 

  •      highest point of skull ,  in the middle of sagittal  suture .

6.   Lambda : 

  •      The point of meeting of the sagittal and lamboid sutures. It is the site of posterior fontanelle in the foetus which ossifies at about three months after birth.

Norma Frontalis
(Anterior View of Skull)

¦ This view is formed of a frontal bone , 2 maxillary bones below , 2 nasal bones , 2 zygomatic bones and mandible .


¦ Sutures between these bones

  1. Metobic suture : a median suture in the frontal bone ( in 10 %    of people )
  2. Fronto-nasal sutue .
  3. Fronto-maxillary suture .
  4. Fronto-zygomatic .
  5. Inter-nasal suture .
  6. Zygomatico-maxillary suture .
  7. Inter-maxillary suture .

¦ Foramina of norma frontalis:

  1. Supra-orbital foramen , infra-orbital foramen & mental foramen are 3 formaena lie along a vertical line transmitting nerves & vessels carring the same names ( terminal branches of trigeminal nerve )
  2. Zygomatico-facial foramen in the zygomatic bone transmitting nerves & vessels carring the same names

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