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Exodontia and impaction 3 l Oral surgery MCQs


Exodontia (tooth extraction) and impaction 3 l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs for dental students

Part 1 MCQ exodontia and impaction

MCQ on exodontia  and impaction 3 for Oral surgery

1. Extraction of which one of the teeth is the most common cause of oro-antral fistula:

A. Maxillary canine

B. Maxillary 1st molar

C. Maxillary 2nd molar

D. Maxillary 3rd molar

2. An elderly patient, with H/O myocardial infarction 4 months back, needs extraction of decayed maxillary third molar. Your line of treatment would be:

A. Administer oral antibiotics for three days and do the extraction

B. Hospitalize the patient, administer IV antibiotics and do the extraction

C. Do the extraction and later, prescribe oral antibiotics

D. Put on antibiotics, refer the patient to the cardiologist and do the extraction at a later date

3. "Dry-socket" is also called as:

A. Acute osteomyelitis

B. Acute alveolar osteitis

C. Osteitis deformans

D. Chronic alveolitis

4. Secondary bleeding (hemorrhage) is seen after:

A. 24 hrs

B. 12 hrs

C. 6 hrs

D. 1 week

5. Rotational force of extraction is used for delivery of which tooth out of the socket?

A. Upper central incisors and lower premolars

B. Upper centrals and lateral incisors

C. Upper and lower central incisors

D. Upper premolars and lower central incisors

6. During/after extraction of an impacted lower 3rd molar, for an young patient, the patient develops a swelling on the same side, which is soft, severely tender and crackles on palpation. The diagnosis would be:

A. Ludwig's angina

B. Haematoma

C. Surgical emphysema

D. Surgical edema

7. For patients with hypothyroidism, on medications, extraction of decayed teeth is:

A. A relative contraindication

B. An absolute contraindication

C. Indicated, with maximum precautions

D. Treated as normal extraction

8. A6-year-old child needs lower deciduous 2nd molar extraction. The type of anesthesia given is:

A. Infiltration

B. Nerve block

C. Periodontal injection

D. General anesthesia

9. The straight elevator works on which principle:

A. Wedge principle

B. Wheel and axle principle

C. Lever and fulcrum

D. Apical force

10. After administration of the inferior alveolar nerve block, patient develops difficulty in opening the mouth. This may be due to:

A. Injury to medial pterygoid muscle

B. Injury to lingual nerve

C. Injury to buccinator muscle

D. Injury to lateral pterygoid muscle

11. The pathogenesis of dry socket was put by:

A. Kelly

B. Bell's

C. Birn

D. Hilton

12. The most common complication occurring in a child after inferior alveolar nerve block:

A. Angular cheilitis

B. Lip ulceration

C. Necrosis of the lip

D. Paresthesia

13. Forces of extraction for lower premolars are:

A. Apical, buccolingual and buccal

B. Apical and buccal

C. Buccal and lingual and apical

D. Apical and rotation

14. While giving posterior superior alveolar nerve block, the patient develops a huge swelling and almost immediately on the respective side of the face the cause may be:

A. Patient is allergic to local anesthetic solution

B. Local anesthetic solution entering into lateral pterygoid space

C. Patient is going for hypovolemic shock

D. Rupture of pterygoid plexus of veins, during needle insertion

15. For extracting maxillary 1st molar, the nerves anaesthetized are:

A. Posterior superior alveolar nerve, middle superior alveolar nerve and greater palatine nerve

B. Posterior superior alveolar nerve, middle superior alveolar nerve and nasopalatine nerve

C. Posterior superior alveolar nerve and greater palatine nerve

D. Posterior superior alveolar nerve and nasopalatine nerve

16. The common organism implicated in dry socket:

A. Streptococcus

B. Staphylococcus

C. Treponema denticola

D. Pneumococcus

17. A tooth displaced into the maxillary antrum can be removed by:

A. Caldwell-Luc procedure

B. Transalveolar extraction

C. Berger's method

D. Intranasal antrostomy

18. The best treatment for pericoronitis involving a partially impacted 3rd molar is:

A. Removing the 3rd molar

B. Irrigating under the operculum

C Antibiotic therapy

D. Operculectomy

19. The optimal time for a surgical procedure in an irradiated field is:

A. Six months to one year after completion of radiotherapy

B. Four to six weeks after radiotherapy

C. Immediately after completion of radiotherapy

D. Any time during course of radiotherapy

20. Healing of extraction wounds takes place in:

A. 3 stages

B. 2 stages

C. 4 stages

D. 5 stages

21. The current concept in treatment of extraction socket:

A. Non compression

B. Use of compression

C. Use of bone graft

D. Removal of inter-radicular bone

22. The most common tooth to be impacted in oral cavity:

A. Maxillary canine

B. Maxillary 1st molar

C. Mandibular 3rd molar

D. Mandibular canine

23. The most accepted theory for "dry-socket" is:

A. Alpha receptor theory

B. Birn's hypothesis

C. Pattern theory

D. Tissue breakdown

24. Trans-alveolar extraction refers to:

A. Open method of extraction

B. Closed method of extraction

C. Combination of both

D. Forceps extraction only

25. The phylogenic theory refers to the explanation for:

A. Impacted tooth

B. Cystic lesion

C. Squamous cell carcinoma

D. White lesions

26. The most common graft material used nowadays in extraction socket:

A. Hydroxyapatite

B. Calcium sulfate

C. Calcium carbonate

D. Calcium chloride

27. Surgical used as hemostatic agent for post extraction bleeding is:

A. Commercially available thrombin

B. Russell's viper venom

C. Oxidized cellulose

D. Methyl cellulose

28. During extraction of mandibular 3rd molar, the tooth may  escape into:

A. Sublingual space

B. Pterygoid space

C. Sub-mandibular space

D. Buccal space

29. Post-CVA (cerebrovascular accidents) patients shouldn't  undergo elective dental care for a period of at least:

A. 2 months

B. 3 months

C. 6 months

D. 12 months

30. Octyl cyanoacrylate is used as a in oral surgery:

A. Suture material

B. Tissue adhesive

C. Hemostyptic

D. Binding agent

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