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Exodontia and impaction 2 l Oral surgery MCQs


Exodontia and impaction 2 l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs for dental students

MCQ on exodontia and impaction 2 for Oral surgery

31. The "red line" in Winter's classification of impacted teeth represents:

A. The depth at which the impacted tooth is located

B. The angulation of the 2nd molar

C. The summit of the alveolar bone covering the impacted tooth

D. Relation of the 3rd molar to the ramus

32. The most serious complication of an abscess of the maxillary anterior teeth is:

A. Pain

B. Paraesthesia

C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

D. Orbital cellulitis

33. The beaks of an extraction forceps should be placed:

A. On the anatomical crown

B. At the junction of the clinical and anatomic crowns

C. On the root surface as far apically as possible

D. At the junction of the apical and middle thirds of the root

34. A mucoperiosteal flap can be repositioned

A. Periosteum is inelastic

B. Periosteum is very elastic

C. Periosteum contains sharpey's fibers

D. All of the above

35. The root most likely to be pushed into the maxillary sinus during a tooth extraction is:

A. Palatal root of the maxillary second molar

B. Palatal root of the maxillary first premolar

C. Palatal root of the maxillary first molar

D. Mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar

36. A 55-year-old lady has a lone standing carious maxillary first molar tooth on the right side. The tooth has served as an abutment, and now has to be extracted. Proper care is to be taken during extraction to prevent:

A. Alveolar osteitis

B. Pushing the palatal root in the maxillary sinus

C. Removing the floor of the maxillary sinus with the tooth

D. Displacement into the infratemporal fossa

37. Which of the following muscles is pierced by the needle while giving an inferior alveolar nerve block?

A. Medial pterygoid

B. Superior constrictor

C. Temporalis

D. Buccinator

38. Primary healing of a mandibular fracture is seen following fixation with:

A. Gunning splints

B. Compression plates

C. Trans-osseous wires

D. Champy plates

39. In the maxilla, a compression bone plate can be safely applied along the:

A. Infraorbital margin

B. Anterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus

C. Fronto-zygomatic suture

D. Zygomaticomaxillary suture  

40. To provide 'absolute stability' of the fractured ends by a compression bone plate, the minimum number

of screws that have to be placed on both side of the extraction fracture line is:

A. Six

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

41. A potential complication following tooth extraction from areas, having undergone irradiation is:

A. Excessive bleeding

B. Alveolar osteitis

C. Osteoradionecrosis

D. Fracture of the underlying bone

42. A straight elevator is property used to advantage when  the?

A. Buccal cortical plate is used as a fulcrum

B. Adjacent tooth is not to be extracted

C. Interdental bone is used as a fulcrum

D. When the bone surrounding the tooth to be extracted is sclerosed

43. The ideal order of extraction of teeth is:

A. First molar, canine, lateral incisor, second molar, first premolar and third molar

B. Third molar, second molar, second premolar, first molar, first premolar, lateral incisor and canine

C. Lateral incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, first molar, second molar and third molar

D. Canine, first molar, third molar, second molar, 2nd premolar, 1st premolar and lateral incisor

44. The 'cow-horn' (no. 16) forceps should not be used for the extraction of mandibular deciduous molars as


A. Sharp beaks can damage the unerupted premolar teeth

B. Beaks cannot engage the furcation area properly

C. Forcep is not intended for extraction of deciduous molars

D. None of the above

45. Prophylactic removal of unerupted third molars in a teenager should ideally be carried out:

A. When crowding/ rotation occurs in the anterior teeth

B. When the root is one-third formed

C. When the root is two-thirds formed

D. Before the root formation

46. The most common contributing factor to pericoronitis of an impacted mandibular third molar is:

A. Bacterial infection

B. Trauma from the opposing maxillary third molar

C. Trauma from the eruptive forces exerted by the tooth

D. Food impaction

47. A palatal flap for the removal a maxillary impacted canine near the midline should be:

A. Reflected around the necks of the teeth

B. Started with vertical incisions in the opposite canine region

C. Started with a vertical incision in the midline

D. Semilunar in design

48. Epinephrine packs are to be avoided in controlling bleeding from extraction sockets as:

A. It interferes with the coagulation process

B. It causes vasoconstriction with resultant alveolar osteitis

C. It causes reflex vasodilatation with severe post-operative bleeding

D. It can be lead to a hypertensive crisis

49. In the open beak technique of extraction, the tip of the forceps is placed at:

A. The cementoenamel junction

B. 2/ 3rd on the root surface

C. Marginal alveolar bone

D. Two mm apical to the DE junction

50. While removing an impacted mandibular third molar buccal leverage is applied when?

A. Tooth is inclined mesially

B. Tooth tapers towards the root

C. Tooth is very close to the 2nd molar

D. Space exists between the neck of the tooth and the second molar

51 The extraction of an impacted upper third with SA is best carried out using: molar

A. A straight elevator

B. Miller's elevator

C. Crver's elevators

D. Apexo elevators

52. Blood loss during full mouth extractions of teeth and alveoplasties, can be expected to be in the range of:

A. 50-200 ml

B. 200-800 ml

C. 800-1000 ml

D. 1000-1200 ml

53. Facial oedema following surgical extraction of an impacted mandibular third molar, can be best reduced by:

A. Postoperatoive administration of dexamethasone

B. Preoperative administration of diclopfenace sodium

C. Careful retraction and manipulation of the soft tissue flap during surgery

D. Regular use warm saline mouth rinses after surgery

54. Generally, the treatment of choice for cementoma is:

A. Extraction of all teeth

B. Endodontic treatment of involved teeth

C. No treatment

D. Block resection of involved area

55. The healing process that takes place following the non surgical extraction of a mandibular 1st molar may be described as:

A. Healing by first intention

B. Healing by second intention

C. Granulomatosis

D. A and C

56. Best treatment for pericoronitis associated with impacted mandibular third molar is:

A. Irrigating under the operculum

B. Antibiotic and analgesic therapy

C. Extraction of impacted third molar

D. Operculectomy  

57. A palatal flap is required for removal of a maxillary impacted canine near the midline. Palatal flap should be:

A. Started with a vertical incision in the midline

B. Reflected from the necks of the teeth

C. Made with a semilunar incision

D. None of the above palatal flap should be avoided

58. During the tooth extraction a known cardiac patient experienced angina. This was most likely precipitated by:

A. Allergy to the anesthetic agent

B. The stimulus of pain and anticipation  

C. Adrenaline in the drug

D. The upright position in the chair

59. Three days after the extraction of maxillary first molar patient developed a fluctuant palatal abscess. The treatment of choice is:

A. Caldwell-Luc procedure

B. Heat and cold therapy

C. I and D and antibiotic therapy

D. Only antibiotic therapy after culture and sensitivity tests

60. Early sign of syncope is:

A. Epistaxis

B. Pupillary constriction

C. Pallor

D. Rapid pulse and increased

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