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Exodontia and impaction 1 l Oral surgery MCQs

 Exodontia and impaction 1 l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs for dental students


Exodontia and impaction 1 for Oral surgery MCQ for dental students 

1. A patient develops facial edema one day after removal of a tooth. Instructions to the patient should be to use:

A. Warm, wet applications outside and inside the mouth

B. Cold applications outside and inside the mouth

C. Intraoral cold applications only

D. Intraoral hot applications only

2. Of the following the most common postoperative complication after surgical removal of mandibular teeth


A. Myositis

B. Paresthesia

C. Loss of the blood clt

D. Postoperative hemorrhage

3. The most serious complication which may occur following surgery about the maxillary canine is:

A. Iritis

B. Cellulitis

C. Localization of pus

D. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

4. The elevators used in exodontia are functionally:

A. Class I levers only

B. Class I and II levers

c. Class III levers only

D. Only wedge-shaped

6. Exodontia elevators are based on principle of:

A. Levers

B. wedge

C. Wheel and axle

D. All of the above

7. While removing mandibular 3rd molar which part of bone should be used as a fulcrum?

A. Lingual cortical bone

B. Mesial inter-radicular bone

C. Buccal alveolar bone

D. Distal surface of adjacent crown

8. Mechanical advantage would be maximum for an elevator when:

A. Effort arm is greater than resistance arm

B. Resistance arm is greater than effort arm

C. When fulcrum is in the centre

D. When fulcrum is near the point of effort

9. When maxillary lateral incisor has to be extracted the first movement of forcep should be:

A. Labially then apically

B. Palatally then apically

C. Labially or palatally

D. Apically then palatally

10. Mead forceps are used for extraction of:

A. Maxillary molars

B. Mandibular incisors

C. Maxillary canines

D. Maxillary premolars

11. To extract mandibular premolars the first movement of forceps should be:

A. Apical and labial

B. Apical and lingual

C. Apical and mesial

D. Labial and no apical movement

12. When maxillary and mandibular teeth are to be extracted simultaneously the order of extraction should be:

A. Maxillary teeth followed by mandibular teeth

B. Mandibular teeth followed by maxillary teeth

C. It does not matter which teeth are removed first

D. For anterior region mandibular first and for posterior region maxillary first

13. When simultaneous extractions have to be carried out in one maxillary segment the order of extraction should be:

A. Incisors, canine, premolars, molars

B. 3rd molar, second molar, 2nd premolar, 1st molar, 1st premolar, incisors, canine

C. Molars, premolars, canine, incisors

D. Molars, premolars, incisors, canine.

14. The Stobis method of extraction is indicated when:

A. Two adjacent teeth have to be removed

B. When central incisor is to be extracted

C. When isolated molar is to be extracted and adjacent teeth are absent

D. Upper and lower 3rd molars have to be extracted simultaneously

15. 'White line' described by George Winter is a

A. Along occlusal surfaces of erupted mandibular molars extending to impacted third molar region

B. From crest of bone lying distal to third molar of the interdental septum between 1st and 2nd molar

C. Fronn perpendicular to 'amber line'

D. From perpendicular to 'red line'

16. 'Red Line' as described by George Winter is demarcated as a line:

A. Drawn from bone distal to third molar to crest of the interdental septum between 1st and 2nd molar

B. Which is a perpendicular dropped from 'amber line' to point of application of elevator

C. Which is a perpendicular dropped from 'white line' to point of application of elevator

D. None of the above

17. If in a mesioangular mandibular impaction there is apical notch visible on a radiograph the tooth


A. Not be removed

B. Be removed by lingual split .technique

C. Be removed by splitting the tooth

D. None of the above

18. Which type of mandibular impactions are most commonly associated with 'apical notch' formation:

A. Mesioangular

B. Distoangular

C. Vertical

D. A and B

19. The disadvantage of lingual split technique is/are:

A. Injury to lingual nerve

B. Opening up of facial spaces on lingual side and floor of mouth

C. Chances of dislodging tooth or root in sub- lingual space

D. All of the above

20. The basic advantage of lingual split technique for extraction of mandibular impacted teeth is/are:

A. Bone loss is minimal

B. Easy and quick method

C. Tissue trauma is minimal

D. All of the above

21. Lateral trepanation technique of Bowdler Henry is indicated for:

A. Extraction of impacted canines

B. Removal of impacted premolars

C. Removal of partially formed unerupted third molars

D. Treating dentigerous cysts with enclosed third molars

22. The chisel should be used with:

A. Bevel towards the bone which is to be saved

B. Bevel towards the bone which is to be sacrificed

C. Bevel direction is not important

D. Flat surface parallel to direction of grains of bone

23. While making vertical incision for flap for mandibular third molar impactions one can injure:

A. Buccal pad of fat

B. Branches of lingual nerve

C. Branches of facial nerve

D. Branches of facial artery/ vein

24. Dry socket commonly occurs after:

A. 24 hours

B. 2 days

C. 3-4 days

D. 10-15 days

25. The treatment of localized osteitis is:

A. Debridement, curettage and sedative packing 30.

B. Curettage, irrigation and sedative packing

C. Irrigation and sedative packing

D. None of the above

26. In case of extraction of maxillary molars if maxillary tuberosity also fractures the fractured bone:

A. Should be removed

B. Should be replaced and allowed to heal by secondary intention

C. Should be replaced and retained by primary suturing of soft tissues

D. Should be fixed by transosseous wiring or bone plating

27. The complication of using air rotor at 30,000 RPM for impacted molars is:

A. Necrosis of cone

B. Dehiscence

C. Tissue laceration

D. Emphysema

28. The most important suture while closing Ward's incision for impacted mandibular third molar is:

A. Suturing of vertical limb

B. Suturing of retromolar limb

C. Suture of area immediately distal to 2nd molar

D. None of the above

29. Dull ache in the jaw and oar three days after a dental extraction may indicate:

A. Pulpitis of an adjacent tooth

B. Need for a stronger prescription for discomfort

C. Need for an antibiotic

D. Loss of the alveolar clot

30. The scalpel blade most commonly used for oral surgical procedures is:

A. No. 22

B. No, 12

C. No. 11

D. No. 15

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