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Systemic complications of local anesthesia l Oral surgery MCQs


Systemic complications of local anesthesia l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs

More MCQ on systemic complications of local anesthesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery

The most common cause of hematoma in posterior superior alveolar nerve block is:

A- Injury to pterygoid venous plexus

B- Injury to posterior superior alveolar artery

C- Injury to maxillary sinus

D- Injury to maxillary artery


The most common complication occurring in e child after an inferior alveolar nerve block is:

A- Angular chelitis

B- Lip ulceration

C- Necrosis of the pulp

D- Parathesia

In management of syncope, you should do the following:

A- Emergency oxygen inhalation

B- Artificial respiration

C- Positional adjustment of the patient with the head at a low level than the lower extremities

D- Keeping the patient in recumbent position


Systemic drug reaction includes the following except:

A- Toxicity

B- Allergy

C- Syncope

D- Idiosyncracy


Concentration of epinephrine given during anaphylaxis is:

A- 1/100

B- 1/1000

C- 1/10000

D- 1/100000


Vital signs that should be monitored in an unconscious patient include:

A- Pulse rate

B- Blood pressure

C- Respiratory rate

D- All of the above


The first drug of choice in treatment of anaphylactic shock is:

A- Antihistaminics

B- Adrenaline

C- Steroids

D- Analgesics


The most common cause of unconsciousness in dental office is:

A- Vasodepressor syncope

B- Orthostatic hypotension

C- Supine hypotensive syndrome

D. Acute allergic reaction


Anaphylactic shock is a ………. Of hypersensitivity:

A- Type I

B- Type II

C- Type Ill

D- Type IV

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