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preprosthetic surgery preparation of single Denture l prosthodontics MCQs

preprosthetic surgery and non-surgical preparation of Conventional Complete Denture l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

MCQ on preprosthetic surgery and preparation of single Complete Denture in removable prosthodontics

1. Single denture is always facing all natural teeth in opposing arch.

a. true

b. false


2. occlusal Disharmonies of mandibular teeth during management of single denture due to:

a. partial loss of mandibular teeth

b. steep compensatory curves of mandibular teeth

c. extraction of maxillary teeth

d. all of the above

e. none of the above


3. consequences of occlusal disharmonies of mandibular teeth:

a. mucosal soreness

b. difficulty to achieve balanced occlusion

c. decreased retention, stability of maxillary denture

d. all of the above


4. which are of the following tech. depend on u-shaped metal occlusal template and the one that is require multiple impressions and casts.

a. Swenson — Swenson

b. Swenson — Yukstas

c. Yukstas — Swenson

d. Yukstas — Yukstas


5. All of the following are symptoms of Kelly syndrome except:

a. papillary hyperplasia

b. flabby ridge

c. pseudo-class Ill

d. Bone resorption under Mandibular RPD


6. Single denture is more commonly seen in .... Arch

a. Maxillary

b. Mandibular


7. Difficulty of lower single denture stability due to:

a. shallow lower sulcus

b. limited lower bearing area

c. movable floor of the mouth

d. All of the above


8. First line of treatment of single mandibular denture is:

a. Extraction of opposing maxillary teeth

b. use resilient liner

c. Retention of key roots

d. implant supported prosthesis


9. Yukstas method for correcting occlusal disharmony in single complete dentures involve.

a. Modification of natural teeth using a marked diagnostic cast as a guide.

b. Using porcelain denture teeth and reducing prematurities on natural teeth.

c. Using a clear acrylic resin template fabricated from the modified cast.

d. Using a U-shaped metal template to modify the natural teeth


10. ________ are considered as the best material to oppose natural teeth.

a. Porcelain

b. Acrylic resin

c. IPN resin

d. Gold occlusals


11. Examples for articulation equilibration techniques are

a. Stansbury's technique

b. Sharrys

c. Rudd's

d. None of the above


12. The techniques that statistically equilibrate the occlusion using an articulator programmed to simulate the patients jaw movement are

a. Functional chew in techniques

b. Sharrys

c. Rudd

d. None of the above

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