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Preprosthetic preparation of implant supported overdenture l removable prosthodontics MCQs


Preprosthetic surgical and non surgical preparation of implant supported overdenture l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students 

MCQ on preprosthetic surgical preparation of implant supported overdenture

1. If bone surrounding abutment is less than 6 mm, abutment:

a. used as short coping

b. used as short coping

c. extracted

d. non coping


2. Best tooth to be used as overdentures:

a. upper central incisor

b. upper lateral incisor

c. 2nd premolar

d. Canine


3. ________ is the ideal distribution form of abutments to be used as overdenture.

a. Quadrilateral

b. Diagonal

c. Linear

d. all of the above are equal


4. which one of these doesn't have finish line in its preparation

a. short coping abutment

b. long coping abutment

c. non coping

d. both b, c


5. Occluso-gingival height of thimble shaped coping is:

a. 4

b. 8

c. 12

d. 24


6. Long coping must be in non-vital tooth, while short coping must be done in vital teeth.

a. 1st statements is true, 2nd statements is false

b. 1st statements is false, 2nd statements is true

c. both statements are true

d. both statements are false


7. All of the following are advantages of non-vital non-coping in except

a. self-finding path of insertion of denture

b. simple and least expensive

c. decrease lateral stresses on abutment

d. us with interim and immediate overdenture


8. With Non coping amalgam plug preparation prepare abutment to be dome shaped with chamfer finish liner

A.      True

B.      False


9. Preparation of short coping us ______ While long coping is _____

a. Dome - thimble

b. Thimble —dome

c. Box — Dome

d. Box — Thimble


10. Minimum Occluso-gingival length of abutment in short coping:

a. 1 mm

b. 2 mm

c. 4 mm

d. 8 mm


11. All of the following are short coping advantages except:

a. needs good bone support

b. protect root from caries

c. provide space for the abutment

d. increase retention and stability of coping by dowel


12. advantages of Dalbo Rotex over dowel is:

a. Time saving

b. more retention

c. used as temporary retainer

d. all Of the above


13. Advantages of prosthetic driven restorations:

a. facilitates proper angulation and positioning

b. decreases clinical and lab complication

c. assist in diagnosis and treatment

d. All of the above


14. Surgical guide that detect position and only initial drilling

a. non-limiting design surgical guide

b. partial limiting design surgical guide

c. CAD/CAM complete limiting design surgical guide

d. cast-base complete limiting design surgical guide surgical


15. surgical guide that detect position is: a. non-limiting design surgical guide

a. non-limiting design surgical guide

b. partial limiting design surgical guide

c. CAD/CAM complete limiting design surgical guide

d. cast-base complete limiting design surgical guide surgical


16. surgical guide design that contains all of the instruments used for osteotomy in bucco-lingual and mesio-distal plan that mainly transporting virtual treatment into computer-assisted design and manufacturing is:

a. non-limiting design surgical guide

b. partial limiting design surgical guide

c. CAD/CAM complete limiting design surgical guide

d. cast-base complete limiting design surgical guide surgical


17. Vacuum formed template surgical guide is introduced bye

a. Almond

b. Becker and Kaiser

c. Hanau Dream

d. Bluestein and Engelman



18. For adequate arrangement of teeth without interference ,for esthetic purpose should make

a. occlusal box

b. antirotational feature

c. occlusal shoulder

d. all of the above


19. Preparation of long coping abutment with vital or non vital tooth is

a. Dome shaped preparation

b. thimble shape preparation

c. egg shaped

d. pear shaped


20. abutment has height of bone level around its root 6mm so it is suitable to be

a. prepared and receive attachment

b. prepared to have long coping

c. prepared to receive short coping with dowel

d. amalgam plug

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