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preprosthetic surgery and preparation l Removable prosthodontics MCQs

preprosthetic surgery and preparation l Removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

MCQ on preprosthetic surgery and preparation of prosthodontics

 1. An allograft is

a. A material originating from non living source

b. A graft of tissue between genetically dissimilar members of the same species

c. A graft derived from another site on the body of the organism receiving it

d. None of the above


2. Statement that is true regarding an exostosis

a. These are bony nodules situated on the alveolar process of maxilla and mandible

b. Are frequently removed by alveoloplasty

c. Are seen frequently in the buccal aspect of the molar in the mandible

d. All of the above


3. V or Z plasties are surgical procedures for

a. A knife edge ridge

b. Bulbous tuberosity

c. Broad based frenum attachments

d. High genial tubercules


4. Statement that is true regarding visor osteotomy

a. It is used in situations where insufficient vertical mandibular bone height is present but adequate width is present

b. Is used in situations where insufficient mandibular width is present

c. Involves splitting of the mandible vertically

d. a and c are true


5. Interpositional or inlay bone grafting is used to

a. Correct ridge relation problems

b. For maxillary ridge augmentation procedures

c. For mandibular ridge augmentation

d. None of the above


6. The procedure of choice for maxillary advancement is

a. Sagittal osteotomy

b. Lefort I osteotomy

c. Subcondylar osteotomy

d. None of the above


7. In Kazanjian's secondary epithelialization technique

a. A labial flap predicled off the lip is used to cover newly exposed bone

b. A labial flap predicled off the alveolar process is used to cover the exposed bone, lip is allowed to reepithelialize

c. It is a vertibuloplasty technique

d. band c are true


8. The lip-switch vestibuloplasty technique was introduced by

a. Kazanjian

b. Clark

c. Kethley and Gamble

d. Obwegeser


9. ______________ is a graft taken from a non – living source

a. Autograft

b. Alloplast

c. Homograft

d. Allograft


10. Of the following the most commonly used sclerosing solution is

a. 5% NaCl

b. 5% of Sodium bromide

c. 5% of Sodium morrhuate

d. 5% Potassium murrhuate

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