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Over denture and attachment-retained dentures 2 l Prosthodontics MCQs

 Over denture and attachment-retained dentures l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

Part 1 overdenture MCQs

MCQ on over denture and attachment-retained dentures for removable prosthodontics


19. After preparation of abutment for tooth over denture crown root ration is

a. increased

b. decreased

c. not changed

20. Primary /first aim to fabricate immediate denture is to

a. restore esthetic

b. restore phonetic

c. restore mastication

d. all of the above

21. after extraction of some natural teeth and immediately replaced by denture so step which can't be done is

a. jaw relation

b. Try in

c. secondary impression

d. all steps are done like complete denture

22. The minimum standard number of implant used for maxillary arch are

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

23. Minimal standard for mandibular edentulous arch according to OHRQOL is

a. bone augmentation ,fabricate denture

b. use implant supported over denture

c. use implant tissue born over denture

d. non of the above

24. with intermaxillary space over 15mm can fabricate fixed bridge restoration over dental implant due to sever bone resorption

A.    True

B.     False

25. one of advantage of implant over denture is that allow cantilever of teeth to be set labial for esthetic and phonetic and this affect on stability of denture

A.    True

B.     False

26. with V shaped mandibular arch ,usage of 4 implant interforaminal ,the best option for greater retention ,stability is to splint all of thenm by bar attachment

A.    True

B.     False

27. OD1 is usage of dental implant in position of B,D splinted by bar attachment

A.    True

B.     False

28. The only difference between FP1 and FP2 that FP2 restore some of lost soft tissue by pink porcelain

A.    True

B.     False

29. implant over denture prosthesis has fewer complication compared to fixed restoration

A.    True

B.     False

30. OD4 prosthesis is

a. three legged chair

b. has greater retention ,stability

c. allow usage of 10mm cantilever

d. All of the above

31. After construction of implant over denture where dental implant are positioned in A,B,C,D,E the amount of cantilever allowed is

a. 10mm

b. 15mm

c. 20mm

d. 25mm

32. for greater demand of retention and stability for mandibular over denture use denture

a. OD1

b. OD3

c. OD4

d. OD5

33. cantilever allowed for hybrid prosthesis is

a. maximum 20mm

b. not exceed 2 times of anteroposterior spread

c. according to distance between anterior and posterior implant

d. all of the above

34. Patient has increased in intermaxillary space more than 15mm need fixed restoration so fabricate

a. Hybrid prosthesis with pink porcelain

b. Fixed detachable prosthesis with acrylic resin and metal framework

c. Fixed detachable with acrylic resin and metal substructure beneath it implant supported over denture

d. fixed prosthesis over dentalimplant

35. Degree of tilting of most distal implant range about

a. 40

b. 45

c. 15

d. 30

36. Paulo malo concept developed to

a. fabricate fixed restoration with minimum number of implant

b. Fabricate hybrid rosthesis with elimination of cantilever

c. immediate restoration of function by temporary restoration

d. all of the above

37. With fixed detachable prosthesis used over 4 implant all of the following is correct except

a. avoid trauma to vital structure

b. eliminate use of cantilever

c. use of posterior longer dental implant

d. make tilting ,inclination of all dental implant

38. Immediate loading concept is applied to all types of all on 4 concept

A.    True

B.     False

39. Number of dental implant for four legged chair concept is equal to all on 4 concept

A.    True

B.     False

40. Load distribution of all on 4 concept is similar to

a. three legged chair

b. four legged chair

c. Two legged chair

d. there is no relation

41. During impression for construction of coping of multiple teeth use

a. copper band with compound

b. sectional tray with rubber base

c. special tray with rubber base cover all teeth ,not touching dowels

d. special tray with intimate contact with teeth

42. the best way for construction of female house of tooth supported over denture is

a. cementation of attachment ,making impression and use analogue within impression

b. cementation of attachment ,making impression and fabricate denture over cast has projection

c. delay cementation ,make pick up impression and attachment itself make housing

d. ready made metal house

43. for over denture distribute stresses between tooth ,tissues record posterior foundation in

a. undisplaced form

b. mucostatic impression

c. muco compressive

d. non of the above

44. Over denture that distribute stresses over abutment tooth only for secondary impression use

a. one stage ,open tray technique

b. two stage ,closed tray technique

c. two stage ,open tray

d. one stage closed tray

45. for over denture with implant at B,D the best way for impression is

a. single phase closed tray

b. single phase open tray

c. dual phase impression open tray

d. dual phase closed tray

46. For over denture with implant at A,B,D,E for accurate reproduction of position of implant fixture within impression use

a. single phase closed tray

b. single phase open tray

c. dual phase impression open tray

d. dual phase closed tray

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