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Mandibular movements l removable prosthodontics MCQs

mandibular movements and maxillomandibular relationship l removable prosthodontics MCQs in dentistry

MCQ on mandibular movements in removable prosthodontics in dentistry

1. arrow head tracing of mandibular movement is tracing of movement at

a. horizontal plane

b. vertical plane

c. sagittal plane

d. non of the above

2. clinical significance of studying mandibular movement

a. selection type, design of articulator

b. affect tooth form through dental restoration

c. treatment of TMJ disorders

d. all of the above

3. path performed by forward glide of the incisal points of lower incisors from habitual intercuspal position toward edge to edge.

a. lateral condylar path

b. sagittalcondylar path

c. anteroposterior curve

d. incisal path

4. shape of articular disc which separate joint into to compartments is

a. concave

b. bi concave

c. convex

d. bi convex

5. movement of condyle within lower compartment is

a. transaltory movement

b. hinge movement

c. sliding movement

d. non of the above

6. the thinnest area of articular disc is

a. anterior band

b. posterior band

c. intermediate band

d. superior surface

7. articular disc is peaked cap shape which divide joint into

a. two equal compartment

b. larger lower compartment ,smaller upper compartment

c. Larger upper compartment,smaller lower compartment

d. none of the above

8. rotational movement of mandible around horizontal axis ,occur within

a. horizontal plane

b. sagittal plane

c. frontal plane

d. all of the above

9. all of the following affect mandibular movement except

a. neuromuscular condition

b. tempromandibular joint

c. occlusion of teeth

d. non of the above

10. condyle articulate with thinnest part of articular disc and condyle and articular disc is at .........to articular eminence ,this relate to centric relation position

a. most anteroposterior

b. most anterosuperior

c. most anteroinferior

d. most postero inferior

11. Imaginary line pass between 2condyle where they are in centric relation ,where mandible can rotate around it at initial opening

a. vertical axis

b. transverse /hinge axis /horizontal axis

c. anteroposterior axis

d. sagittal axis

12. wedge shape of space between occlusal surface of posterior appear during contact of both incisal edge of anterior teeth is

a. balancing ramp

b. christens's phenomena

c. space at lateral condylar movement

d. space on opening

13. sagittal condylar angle range between

a. 30:40 degree

b. 50:55 degree

c. 55:60 degree

d. 60:65 degree

14.movement of condyle downward, forward creating angle with horizontal plane about 30 which is

a. lateral condylar path

b. sagittal condylar path

c. opening path

d. none of the above

15. angle between lateral condylar path(average path of advancing condyle) in balanced side and sagittal plane viewed from horizontal plane

a. bolkwill angle

b. bennet angle

c. protrusive condylar angle

d. incisal angle

16. path that condyle move downward ,forward ,medial is

a. medial condylar path

b. lateral condylar path

c. protrusive condylar path

d. incisal path

17.condyle that rotate at working side with slight lateral translation is considered

a. balanced side condyle

b. rotatory condyle

c. orbitatory condyle

d. non of the above

18. after initial opening from centric relation occluding position

a. axis of rotation remain at condyle

b. axis of rotation transfer from body of ramus to condyle

c.  axis of rotation remain at body of ramus

d. axis of rotation transfer from condyle to body of the mandible

19. tracing of mandibular movement from sagittal plane give

a. shield shape

b. rhomboidal shape

c. posselt's figure

d. tripodal in shape

20. shape of chewing cycle is

a. loop shape

b. tear drop

c. within border movement

d. all of the above

21. patient begin his masticatory cycle from

a. resting position

b. position where mandible separated from maxilla by 2:4mm

c. maximum intercuspation position

d. all of the above

22.  tracing of mandibular movement from frontal plane is

a. posselt's figure

b. rhomboidal in shape

c. shield shape

d. non of the above

23. arrow head tracing that consider as tracing of mandibular movement is

a. bonwill triangle

b. bolkwill angle

c. gothic arch

d. functional generating path

24. Contact relationship between occlusal surfaces of teeth during function

a. occlusion

b. retruded contact position

c. articulation

d. none of the above

25. amount of movement of orbitatory condyle affected by

a. medial wall of fossa of rotatory condyle

b. medial wall of fossa of orbitatory condyle

c. ligament that attached to rotatory condyle

d. Both  B and C


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