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Maxillary injection technique l Oral surgery MCQs


Maxillary injection technique for local anesthesia l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs for dental students 

More MCQ in maxillary injection technique for local anesthesia 

In greater palatine nerve block the needle should be:

A. Parallel to mucosa

B. Perpendicular to mucosa

C 450 inclined to mucosa

D. Parallel to roots of molars

The two techniques used for maxillary block are:

A. Greater and lesser palatine approach

B. Greater palatine and high tuberosity approach

C. Greater tuberosity and retromolar approach

D. Gow gates and Akinosi technique

For extraoral maxillary nerve block the target area is:

A. Posterior to lateral pterygoid plate

B. Anterior to lateral pterygoid plate

C. Pterygomandibular fissure

D. Pterygomandibular fossa

If the diaphragm of cartridge is soaked in iso-propyl alcohol for purpose of antisepsis, it may  result in:

A. Reduced anesthesia

B. No anesthesia

C Long-term paresthesia

D. None of the above

Local infiltration should be:

A. Paraperiosteal

B. Subperiosteal

C. Transeptal

D. None of the above

Infiltration is not successful for anaesthetizing buccal roots of:

A. Maxillary 1st permanent molar

B. Maxillary 1st deciduous molar

C. Mandibular 1st permanent molar

D. Decidous maxillary 1st molar

For posterior superior alveolar nerve one should use:

A. Long needle (40 mm)

B. Short needle (25 mm)

C. Length not a criterion

D. Only bevel should be considered

Greater palatine foramen is present:

A. Between 1st and 2nd maxillary molars

B. Between 2nd and 3rd maxillary molars

C. Distal to 3rd maxillary molar

D. Mesial to 1st maxillary molar

In 80% of patients infraorbital nerve block is effective for buccal aspect of:

A. Central incisors and canines

B. Central incisors to 1st premolars

C. Central incisors to mesiobuccal root of 1st maxillary molar

D. Central incisors only

When injecting into relatively highly vascular area as in posterior superior alveolar nerve block, one should use needle with:

A. Smaller gauge

B. Larger gauge

C Gauge does not matter

D. None of the above

Hematoma formation is more frequent with

a) inferior alveolar nerve block

b) posterior superior alveolar nerve block

c) greater palatine nerve block

d) infraorbital nerve block

Of the following which tooth is most difficult to anesthetize by infiltration technique alone,

a) maxillary canine

b) maxillary central incisors

c) maxillary first molar

d) maxillary first premolar

Dental extraction when indicated in a controlled haemophilic should be done with

a) nerve block like inferior alveolar

b) endotracheal general anaesthesia

c) field block

d) periodontal ligament injection of L.A

During the administration of posterior superior alveolar nerve block, the landmarks that guide the operator are anterior border of coronoid process and

a) anterior border of the ramus

b) mandibular 2nd premolar

c) pterygomandibular raphae

d) palatine tonsils

Among the following which nerve innervates the buccal gingiva of the maxillary second premolar?

a) Anterior palatine nerve

b) Buccal nerve

c) Middle superior alveolar nerve

d) Posterior palatine nerve

The following nerves should be anesthetized for the removal of maxillary first molar

1. Anterior palatine

2. Posterior palatine

3. Anterior superior alveolar

4. Posterior superior alveolar

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