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Local complications of local anesthesia l oral surgery MCQs


Local complications of local anesthesia l oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs

More MCQ on local complication of local anesthesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery

which of the following symptoms of allergic reaction to local anesthetic does not occur?

a. Hashes

b. Angioneurotic edema

c. Urticaria

d. Nasal congestion

The primary cause of toxic manifestations following injection of local anesthetic solution

a. Allergic reaction

b. Intramuscular injection

c- Intravascular injection

d Injection into a nerve trunk

ln order to avoid overdose reaction to local anesthesia you must select:

a Lowest concentration and smallest dose

b- Highest concentration and smallest dose

c- Lowest concentration and largest dose

d- Highest concentration and largest dose

A farmer with history of bilharziasis since 1992 undergo odontoctomy of lower third molar, after receiving 4 carpules of 2% mepivicaine- Levonordefrin, manifestations of CNS stimulation appear. This case could be diagnosed as:

a- Toxicity from overdose of LA

b- Toxicity due to liver cirrhosis

c- Vasovagal attack

d- Toxicity due to decrease rate of LA excretion


Patient suffering from congestive heart failure due to liver cirrhosis was presented for extraction of lower third molar. Failures of anesthesia after multiple attempts of injecting 4 carpules of plain Mepivacaine LA were observed. The patient manifested increased heart rate, increased respiratory rate, increased blood pressure and disorientation. This case is diagnosed as:

a- Anaphylaxis

b- Idiosyncracy

c- Tachyphlaxis

d- Toxicity

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