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Impression trays l removable prosthodontics MCQs


Impression trays for dentures l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

MCQ on impression tray for removable prosthodontics

1. narrowest area buccolingually for impression or denture is located

a. posterior area

b. anterior area

c. middle area

d. all areas are equal in width


2. distobucccal area of lower denture should be ........... to decrease interference with masseter muscle

a. extend laterally

b. diverge laterally

c. extend posteriorly

d. converge medially


3. all of the following are muscles inserted at retromolar pad except

a. superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx

b. buccinators muscle

c. temporalis muscle

d. orbicularis oris muscle


4. Device used to carry, confine and control impression material while making an impression

a. Record base

b. record block

c. impression tray

d. occlusion rim


5. all of the following are modification for customization of tray to patient mouth except

a. bending

b. building

c. trimming

d. sagging


6.adaptation of tray to create even thickness of impression by movement their flanges near or away from tissues is

a. bending

b. building

c. trimming

d. sagging


7. adaptation of tray to V shaped palate to decrease thickness of impression is considered as

a. bending

b. building

c. trimming

d. sagging


8. space required between stock tray and tissues for impression material is

a. 2mm

b. 4mm


d. 7mm


9. for reversible hydrocolloids can use

a. perforated tray

b. plain tray

c. non perforated tray

d. rim lock with water cooling system


10. special tray is shorter than depth of sulcus by 2mm for border tracing which is type of

a. bending

b. building

c. trimming

d. sagging


11. which of the following tray used for wash impression

a. shellac tray

b. resin tray

c. modeling compound tray

d. plastic tray


12. plastic sheet technique is more common to be used as

a. special tray for impression

b. tray for bleaching

C. impression material

d. non of the above


13. with relining and rebasing techniques ,best special tray to be used

a. cast metal tray

b. heat cure acrylic resin

c. light cure acrylic resin

d. old denture


14. for mucocompressive impression technique use

a. tray with shim

b. open fit tray

C. close fit tray

d. non of the above


15. with thin mucosa cause pain under pressure so during making impression use

a. tray with shim

b. open fit tray

C. close fit tray

d. a and b


16. for flat ridge which type of tray used for impression by

a. tray with shim

b. open fit tray

C. close fit tray

d. non of the above


17. usage of shim used for

a. mucсompressive impression

b. mucostatic impression

C. selective pressure impression

d. functional impression


18. for Zn oxide impression boxing use

a. clay of children boxing

b. wax boxing

c. magnetic strips

d. plaster and pumic boxing


19. plaster and pumic boxing is used with:

a. plaster of paris impression

b. compound impression

C. zn oxide impression

d. addition silicon impression


20. thickness of base of cast shouldn't be less than

a. 12mm

b. 11mm

C. 10mm

d. 9mm


21. land area on the cast should be

a. 2:3mm

b. 3:4mm

C. 5:6mm

d. 6:7mm


22.which of the following affect size of buccal vestibule

a. contraction of buccinators muscle.

b. amount of bone resorption

c. ramus and coronoid process

d. all of the above


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