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Diagnosis and treatment planning l removable prosthodontic MCQs


Diagnosis and treatment planning for conventional complete denture l removable prosthodontic MCQs for dental students

MCQ on diagnosis and treatment planning for conventional complete denture on removable prosthodontics

1. The aesthetics of the artificial denture begins with

a) Examination and diagnosis      

b) Impressions

c) Wax records

d) Trial in stage


2. patient education ____complete dentures should start

a) At impression stage and end after processing of dentures

b) At time of initial appointment and continue throughout the treatment

c) At the time of denture delivery and subsequent appointments

d) At the time of first post insertion appointments


3. From the diagnostic casts, all of the following information can be gained except

a) Gingival tissue contour and pocket depths

b) axial inclination of tooth

c) Arch form and contour

d) Occlusal interference


4. Before construction of the complete denture, patient's natural dentition is evaluated because it helps in

a) Establishing vertical dimension

b) Arranging the teeth in balanced occlusion

c) Selection of form, shape, and size of the artificial teeth

d) All of the above


5. usually full mouth survey of radiographs for edentulous patients is done to

a) Detect any residual root tips retained

b) detect supernumerary tooth

c) To detect periapical infections

d) To detect the presence of cysts and tumours


6. All of the following are disease affect ridge except:

a. un controlled diabetes

b. Parkinson's diseases

c. fibro-osseus dysplasia

d. Paget's disease


7. All of the following are true regarding uncontrolled diabetic patient except:

a. needs artificial saliva

b. needs frequent relining

c. indicated for implant

d. need frequent antibiotics


8. Paget's disease mainly affect And acromegaly affect

a. Mandible — Maxilla

b. Maxilla — Mandible

c. both are Maxilla

d. both are Mandible

9. All of the following are diseases affect oral mucosa except:

a. Pemphigus valguaris

b. Parkinson's disease

c. epulis fissuratum

d. papillary hyperplasia


10. All of the following are consideration to be taken with cardiac patient except:

a. Decrease time and number of appointments

b. if prosthetic valves patient, antibiotic should be given be ore procedures

c. if prosthetic heart valve patient, antibiotic should be given after procedure

d. consult with his physician


11. The procedure for patient receives radiotherapy

a. 2 months

b. 6 : 12 months

c. 2 ears

d. none of the above


12. primary impression material for patient received radiotherapy is …………… and secondary impression material is

a. Compound — Zno

b. Alginate rubber base

c. Compound rubber base

d. all of the above true


13. A middle-aged patient gives history of previous upper dentures remade many times as they are becoming tight within one year. You would suspect

a) Osteitis deformans

b) Temperomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome

c) Diabetes mellitus

d) psychological problems


14. All are consequences of edentulism except

a) Prognathic appearance

b) Thinning of lips

c) Decreased length of lip

d) Increase In columella-philtrum angle


15. Loss of several teeth may result in

a) Change in the facial contour

b) TMJ disturbances

c) Periodontal disturbances

d) All of the above


16. oral examination of an edentulous patient should include digital palpation. Why?

a) The arch form is more accurately evaluated

b) Undercut areas may be better evaluated

c) The ridge relationship may be better evaluated

d) None of the above


17. In Woods classification Order IV corresponds to

a) Knife edged ridge

b) High well rounded

c) Low well rounded

d) depressed


18. According to Atwood's residual ridge classification order III denotes

a) High well rounded

b) low well

c) Knife edge

d) depressed


19. Masticatory forces generated by a complete denture prosthesis is about

a) 44-50 pounds

b) 13-16 pounds

c) 13-15 kilograms

d) 70-80 pounds


20.Occlusal forces generated by the natural dentition is in the order of

a)25 pounds

b) 50 pounds

c) 100 pounds

d) 150 pounds


21. The normal biting force in natural dentition and complete denture is

a) 200 N and 600 N

b) 9000 N and 7000 N

c) 100 N and 30 N

d) 600 N and 110 N


22. Average masticatory load for natural teeth is around

a) 10 kg

b) 20 kg

c) 30 kg

d) 40 kg


23. The maximum bite force for persons wearing complete denture when compared to persons with natural teeth appears to be less by how many times

a) 5-6 times       

b) 4-5 times

c) 3-4 times

d) 2-3 times


24. The teeth are in occlusal contact for the following percent of times in a day

a) 94%

b) 10-15%

c) 6-8%

d) 2-6%


25. The total time during which the teeth are subjected to functional forces of mastication and deglutition during an entire day amounts to approximately

a) 17.5 min

b) 17 min

c) 18 min          

d) 18.5 min


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