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Basic injection techniques l Oral surgery MCQs

Basic local anesthesia injection techniques l Oral and maxillofacial surgery MCQs for dental students


More MCQ in basic local anesthesia injection techniques 

1. The most commonly used route of drug administration is:

A. Oral

B. Rectal

C. Intranasal

D. Intramuscular


2. The most valuable route to sedate young children is:

A. Intravenous

B. Intramuscular

C. Rectal

D. Sublingual


3. In peripheral nerve block, which of the following local anesthetics has the longest duration of action?

A. Bupivacaine

B. Lignocaine

C. Cocaine

D. Prilocaine


4. The longest acting most patent and most toxic local anesthetic is:

A. Lidocaine

B. Dibucaine

C Bupivacaine

D. Tetracaine


5. Which of the following is the preferred local anesthetic technique for hemophiliacs:

A. Nerve block

B. Supraperiosteal

C. Intraligamentary

D. Field block


6. Local anesthetic with adrenaline is absolutely contraindicated

A. First trimester of pregnancy

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Hemophilia

D. Hypertension


7. Lidocaine is an example of an:

A. Acid

B. Ester

C. Amide

D. Aldehyde


8. Which of the following muscles is pierced by the needles while giving an inferior alveolar nerve block:

A. Medial pterygoid

B. Superior constrictor

C. Temporalis

D. Buccinator


9. Which of the following is used to prevent laryngospasm due to

A. Atropine

B. Epinephrine

C. Diazepam

D. Succinylcholine


10. The effect of local anesthetic can be increased by the addition of:

A. Adrenaline

B. Isoprenaline

C. Dopamine

D. Felypressin


11. Which of the following local anesthetic is a vasoconstrictor?

A. Lidocaine

B. Procaine

C. Bupivacaine

D. Ropivacaine


12. The dose of epinephrine given in anaphylaxis:

A. 0.5 mg in 1:1000 im/ sc

B. 0.5 mg in im/ sc

C. 0.5 mg in 1:500 im/ sc

D. 0.5 mg in 1:100 im/ sc


13. Most difficult maxillary tooth to anaesthetize by infiltration is:

A. First molar

B. First premolar

C. Canine

D. Third molar


14. Which of the following symptoms is seen in a patient administered with 20-40 percent nitrous oxide?

A. Paresthesia

B. Floating sensation

C. Sweating

D. None of the above


15. LA acts on nerve membrane by:

A. Blocking conductance of Na+ from interior to exterior

B. Blocking conductance of Na+ from exterior to interior

C. Blocking conductance of K+ from interior to exterior

D. Blocking conductance of K+ from exterior to interior


16. How much lignocaine is present in 20 ml of 2 percent lignocaine solution:

A. 400 mg

B. 200 mg

C. 300 mg

D. 120 mg


17. The action of adrenaline is potentiated in the presence of all except.

A. Halothane

B. Ethyl chloride

C. Cyclopropane

D. Ether


18. When blocking a nerve containing both molar and sensory fibres, the last functional property lost is:

A. Temperature

B. Pain

C. Proprioception

D. Touch


19. Sensitivity to local anesthetic is greater in:

A. Type B fibres

B. Type C fibres

C Type A delta fibres

D. Fibres supplying the muscle fibres


20. Which of the following is not used as a topical LA?

A. Procaine

B. Tetracaine

C. Lidocaine

D. Benzocaine


21. The safe dose of adrenaline in patients with compromised cardiac condition is:

A. 0.2 mg/ kg body wt

B. 0.02 mg/ kg body wt

C. 0.4 mg/ kg body wt

D. 0.04 mg


22. A bilateral mandibular block:

A. Is dangerous because patient may swallow tongue

B. May lead to space infection

C. Is not contraindicated

D. Should rarely be performed

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