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Articulators l removable prosthodontics MCQs

Types of articulators l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

MCQ on types of articulators for removable prosthodontics 

1. advantage of usage articulator device is

a. visualize occlusion from lingual view

b. decrease patient cooperating

c. considerable chair side time

d. all of the above

2. which of the following are correct for relator

a. can make more than one movement

b. easy adjusting vertical relation

c. maintain vertical and horizontal relation

d. has condylar guidance

3. plane line articulator accept only one record which is

a. protrusive record relation

b. lateral record relation

c. centric occluding record relation

d. face bow record relation

4. bilateral even simultaneous contact between teeth at centric and eccentric is very important for denture

a. retention

b. esthetic

c. phonetic

d. stability

5. distance between two condylar element at gysi articulator is equal to

a. 4inch

b. 3inch

c. 5 inch

d. none of the above

6. average of incisal guidance that is fixed on it is equal to

a. 15 degree

b. 10 degree

c. 12 degree

d. 8 degree

7. movement that may be occurred with mean value articulator is

a. vertical movement

b. Iateral movement within limit

c. protrusive movement within average

d. all of the above

8. angle between bonwill triangle and level of occlusal plane is

a. bolkwill angle 15

b. incisal angle 10

c. sagittal condylar angle 30

d. lateral condylar angle

9. number of records applied to semi-adjustable articulator

a. 5 records

b. 3 records

c. 2 records

d. 4 records

10.  value of lateral condylar guidance should be greater than .......... degree

a. 11

b. 12

c. 13


11. which of the following articulator can adjusted according to pantographic record

a. fully adjustable articulator

b. simple hing articulator

c. semiadjustable articulator

d. mean value articulator

12. number of records that accepted by fully adjustable articulator is

a. 5 records

b. 3 records

c. 2 records

d. 4 records

13. which of the following articulator can be considered as simulation

a. Arcon fully adjustable articulator

b. Non arcon fully adjustable articulator

c. simple hinge articulator

d. mean value articulator

14. plasterless articulator is

a. fully adjustable one

b. semiadjustable

c. mean value

d. virtual articulator/digital

15. all records are applied to semi-adjustable articulator except

a. protrusive record

b. centric relation record

c. face bow record

d. lateral record

16. how to transfer terminal hinge axis to articulator by

a. mandibular face bow

b. maxillary face bow

c. protrusive record

d. lateral record

17. ear piece face bow articulator act on terminal hinge axis located........to actual hinge axis

a. posterior

b. anterior

c. in the same position

d. non of the above

18. intercondylar distance adjusted with .......... only

a. fully adjustable articulator

b. semiadjustable articulator

c. mean value articulator

d. simple hinge articulator

19.  adjusting occlusal plane to make 45 degree with central axis of the cone is

a. hall articulator theory

b. bonwill triangle

c. monsoon sphere

d. non of the above

20. non adjustable articulator are

a. fully adjustable articulator

b. simple hinge articulator

c. mean value articulator

d. both B & C

21. distance between occlusal surface of posterior teeth at physiologic rest position is

a. interocclusal record

b. interarch space

c. restorative space

d. non of the above

22. Static contact between occlusal surfaces of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth and incising surface of anterior teeth where the jaws are centrically or eccentrically related

a. occlusion

b. articulation

c. centric occluding relation

d. retruded contact position

23. equilibrium of denture base to under laying supporting tissues where patient masticate food bolus in one side and space between teeth in the opposite side

a. balanced occlusion

b. Lever balance

c. non balanced occlusion

d. non of the above

24. mechanical device that maxillary and mandibular model attached for preserve recorded relation is

a. relator

b. mounting ring

c. face bow record

d. articulator

25. the best type of articulator is

a. arcon fully adjustable

b. non arcon fully adjustable

c. existing mouth

d. relator

26. Which of the following is true? All articulators:

a) Register all condylar movements

b) Register all protrusive movements

c) Register all lateral movements

d) Record jaw relation in horizontal plane

27. The characteristic of an “arcon” articulator is

a) The condylar elements are placed on the upper member of the articulator

b) The condylar elements are placed on the lower member of the articulator

c) The condylar elements are non-movable

d) The inclination of condylar path is in a curved plane

28. Lateral condylar guidance is

a) L=12+d/H

b) L=H+d/12

c) L=H/8+12

d) L=H+d/12

29. The condylar guidance of an articulator is dependent on

a) The depth of the glenoid fossa

c) The cuspal inclines

d) The vertical overlap of the Incisors

d) The Inclination of the articulator eminence

30.When noting condylar guidance, incisal pin should be

a) In contact with guidance table

b) Out of contact

c) not at all related

d)None of the above

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