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Single denture and atrophied ridges l removable prosthodontics MCQs

 Single denture and atrophied ridges l removable prosthodontics MCQs for dental students

MCQ on single denture and atrophied alveolar ridge for removable prosthodontics


1. The best treatment of choice for flat atrophied ridge is

a. vestibuloplasty

b. distraction osteogensis

c. implant prosthesis

d. non of the above


2. Rate of bone resorption in maxilla is greater than mandible due to increase amount of cancellous bone in maxilla

A.      True

B.      false

3. Bone resorption is irreversible process and must be related to pathological condition cause stimulation of osteoclast (false)

A.      True

B.      False

4. Rate of bone resorption with U shaped ridge decreased than knife edge ridge (true)

A.      True

B.      False


5. the least resistance of tissue ward movement occurred with

a. Atwood class I

b. Atwood class V

c. Atwood class IV

d. Atwood class VI


6. The least resistance to rotational movement and horizontal stresses occurred with

a. Atwood class I

b. Atwood class V

c. Atwood class IV

d. Atwood class III


7. Treatment of choice for Atwood class VI

a. Use supraperiosteal implant

b. Lined genial tubercle with skin graft

c. use transmandibular dental implant

d. all of the above


8. Maxillary arch with remaining natural teeth anterior and mandibular edentulous arch ,after long period of time ,this patient complain of

a. flappy ridge posterior

b. fibrous growth of maxillary tuberosity

c. epuilis fissuratum at maxillary labial sulcus

d. flappy ridge of mandibular anterior area


9. Maxillary edentulous arch opposed to mandibular dentulous patient with fixed bridge posteriorly ,the best ,easiest occlusal concept is

a. non balanced occlusion as lower arch has fixed compensatory curves

b. balanced occlusion with functional generating path of maxillary arch

c. balanced occlusion using only restoration over second abutment to give balance

d. non balanced occlusion using functional generating path of mandibular cusps


10. During recording vertical relation of patient with mandibular anterior natural teeth and maxillary edentulous arch there will be

a. interference between mandibular anterior teeth and labial part of maxillary occlusion rim

b. interference between mandibular anterior teeth and palatal part of occlusion rim anteriorly

c. low vertical dimension in this relation

d. heavy contact between two occlusion rims posteriorly


11. Construction of maxillary denture for completely edentulous patient opposed to lower existing denture prognosis will be

a. good

b. poor

c. fair

d. according to foundation of maxillary arch


12. Construction of maxillary single opposed to malposed plane of natural teeth ,the greatest immediate problem for this denture will be

a. formation of fibrous tissue due to presence of natural teeth

b. stability

c. support

d. great force of natural teeth and bone resorption


13. Patient come to your clinic with maxillary single denture and lower anterior natural teeth only ,complain of problems in his jaws ,the first step that you made is

a. Splint method impression technique for flappy ridge

b. Make implant supported prosthesis in maxillary arch

c. ask patient to remove denture and make tissue rest

d. none of the above


14. Patient with maxillary edentulous arch with sever resorption buccal and labial opposed by mandibular posterior natural teeth during occlusal concept fabrication

a. set teeth balanced by functional pathway of lower cusps

b. set teeth where maxillary palatal cusps is functional cusp

c. set teeth where maxillary buccal cusps are centric holding cusps

d. non of the above


15. During construction of maxillary single denture opposed by mandibular natural anterior teeth try to

a. increase vertical overlap within limit

b. decrease horizontal overlap within limit

c. increase horizontal overlap within limit

d. non of the above


16. The most ideal ,simple ,cheap artificial teeth for mandibular single denture opposed to maxillary dentulous patient is

a. interpenetrating network polymer teeth

b. acrylic teeth filled with amalgam stops

c. acrylic teeth with cast cobalt chromium

d. porcelain teeth for esthetic reasons and resist wear


17. Metallic denture base most indicated for

a. flat atrophied ridge

b. maxillary single denture opposed to previous single denture

c. maxillary single denture opposed to mandibular natural teeth

d. maxillary single denture opposed by metallic RPD posteriorly



18. Class III syndrome the best prophylactic option is

a. implant over denture

b. retention of few remaining tooth ,prepare them for tooth over denture

c. a,b

d. non of the above

18. Best treatment option of atrophied ridge is:

a. Conventional denture

b. implant supported overdenture

c. Fixed screw retained denture

d. both b, c


19. Conventional denture is used during osteointegration of dental implant as:

a. too performs function proviosnally

b. construction of radiographic and surgical stent

c. all of the above

d. none of the above


20. Resorption in maxilla is ......... Mandible.

a. more than

b. less than

c. equals to

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