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diagnosis l orthodontics MCQs for dental students


Diagnostic Procedures aids and their interpretation l Orthodontics MCQs for dental students 

MCQ in orthodontics diagnosis

1. All of the following are essential diagnostic Aids except:

A. Periapical radiographs

B. Wrist x-rays

C. master study casts

D. Facial photographs


2. A patient suffering from epilepsy needs an orthodontic treatment. The dentist should:

A may the orthodontic treatment until epilepsy is in control

B. Proceed With an orthodontic treatment

C. Advise him that an epileptic patient cannot undergo an orthodontic treatment

D. None of the above


3. A boy undergoing orthodontic treatment takes aspirin. This results orthodontic tooth movement to be:

A. Faster than normal

B. Same as normal

C. Slower than normal

D. Cannot be predicted


4. Skeletal indicators of maturity are determined by:

A. Chest X-ray

B. Periapical X-ray

C. Hand wrist X-ray

D. Occlusal X-ray

E. Combination of B and C


5. Brachycephalic individuals usually have:

A. Narrow dental arches

B. Broad dental arches

C. Normal dental arches

D. Both A & B


6. The molar relationship in a person with a concave profile is most likely to be:

A. Class I molar relationship

B. Class II division I molar relationship

C. Class Ill division II molar relationship

D. Class Ill molar relationship


7. Ideally, when the teeth are in normal occlusion the mandibular skeletal base as compared to the maxillary skeletal base is:

A. 2 to 3 mm anterior

B. 2 to 3 mm posterior

C 6 to 5 mm anterior

D. 5 to 6 mm posterior


8. When the mandibular plane and the Frankfort horizontal plane meet beyond the occipital region, it indicates:

A- Horizontal growing face

B. Vertical growing face

C High angle face

D. None of the above


9. Deep mento-labial sulcus is seen in:

A. Class I malocclusion

B. Class II, division malocclusion

C Class I malocclusion with bimaxillary protrusion

D. Class Ill malocclusion


10. ‘blanch test' is used to identify:

A. Incompetent lips

B. Deviated nasal septum

C. A shift in the mandible during closing

D. Abnormal frenal attachment


11. In Gnathostatic models the base of the maxillary cast is trimmed 80 that it is parallel to:

A. Frankfort horizontal plane

B. S-N plane

C Basion —Nasion plane

D. Bolton's plane


12. The diagnostic setup was first proposed by:

A. Calvin case

B. Edward Angle

C. H D Kesling

D. William Conrad


13. Backward path of mandibular closure is seen is

a) Class II division 2

b) Class I

c) Pseudo class III

d) Class III


14. Convex profile is seen in

a) Class I

b) Class II

c) Class III

d) None of above

15. Which of the following statements about the hand Wrist radiographs is incorrect:

A. It helps not only in assessing the growth of an individual, but also helps to predict future skeletal maturation rate and status

B. It is based upon the fact that the numerous small bones of hand, like carpals, metacarpals, etc show a predictable and scheduled pattern of appearance, ossification and union from birth to maturity.

C. It gives us a general idea regarding the amount and direction of growth

D. It helps in determination of skeletal maturity status prior to treatment of skeletal malocclusion such as skeletal class II Or class III malocclusion.


16. In orthodontic study models the bases of the maxillary and the mandibular casts are:

A. Parallel to each other

B. At 90 to each other

C At 300 to each other

D. At 1100 to each other


17. Which of the following methods is least accurate in determining the site of new bone deposition in laboratory animals:

A. Implants

B. Radiographs

C Tetracycline stains

D. Histochernical stains


18. The lip is supported by

a) Relation of lip edge and facial surfaces of teeth

b) Labial sulcus between teeth and lip

c) Relationship of tongue and teeth

d) None


19. Normal nasolabial angle

a) 80°

b) 90-110°

c) 70°

d) 140°


20. Hyperactive mentalis activity is seen in

a) Class I

b) Class II division 1

c) Class II division 2

d) Class III

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