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Great vessels of head & neck l human anatomy MCQs for dental students


Great vessels of head & neck l human anatomy MCQs for dental students 

MCQ on great vessels of head and neck human anatomy in dentistry

What is the first tributary of the internal jugular vein:

a) Superior thyroid      

b) Pharyngeal

c) Middle thyroid        

d) Lingual

e) Inferior petrosal sinus

Which of the following arteries that supply the scalp come from the internal carotid artery?

A. Occipital                  

B. Superficial temporal

C. Posterior auricular   

D. Supratrochlear

E. C& d

The ophthalmic branch of the I.C.A anastomoses with which of the following branches of the E.C.A?

A. Superficial temporal      

B. Facial

C. Occipital                        

D. Lingual

E. Maxillary

The following are direct branches of the E.C.A., except:

A. Superior thyroid.        

B. Facial.

C. Lingual.                      

D. Middle meningeal.

E. Superficial temporal.

Regarding the carotid arteries, the following statements are true, except:

A.    Common carotid artery divides at the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage.

B.     Carotid sinus receives its sensory fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve.

C.     E.C.A divides into its two terminal branches opposite the neck of the mandible.

D.    I.C.A gives branches in the neck.

E.     The branches of internal and external carotid arteries anastomose with each other.

The following are the branches of the facial artery, except:

A- Superior labial.

B- Supratrochlear.

C- Inferior labial.

D- Submental.

E- Lateral nasal.

Regarding arteries of the head and neck, the following statements are true except:

A-    C.C.A divides into its terminal branches opposite upper border of thyroid cartilage.

B-    Maxillary artery is a branch of the internal carotid artery.

C-    Basilar artery is formed by union of two vertebral arteries.

D-    Middle meningeal artery is an important branch of maxillary artery.

E-     Left common carotid arises from the arch of aorta.

Which one of the following arteries is a terminal branch of the external carotid artery?

A- Transverse facial artery.

B- Inferior thyroid artery.

C- Superficial temporal artery.

D- Middle meningeal artery.

E- Supraorbital artery.

Regarding the internal carotid artery, choose one incorrect statement:

A-    It begins at the upper border of thyroid cartilage

B-    Internal jugular vein is medial to it

C-    It has no branches in the neck

D-    The wall of the pharynx is medial to it

E-     The enters the cranial cavity through the carotid canal

Regarding the common carotid artery, choose one correct statement:

A-    The right artery arises form the arch of aorta

B-    It ends at upper border of cricoid cartilage

C-    It ascends medial to internal jugular vein

D-    Vagus nerve is anterior to it

E-     Lobe of thyroid gland is lateral to it

The lingual artery shows the following anatomical features except:

A-    It arises from the external carotid artery

B-    It begins opposite tip of greater horn of hyoid bone

C-    It forms a loop which is crossed by the hypoglossal nerve

D-    It passes superficial to hyoglossus muscle

E-     It gives dorsal lingual branches

This arterial branch of the external carotid artery originates at the level of the hyoid hone and forms a loop before passing deep to the hyoglossus muscle:

A. ascending pharyngeal      

B. lingual

C. facial                                 

D. Occipital

E. maxillary

The branch of the external carotid artery that passes along the inferior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle is the:

A. superior thyroid             

B. lingual

C. maxillary                        

D. occipital

E. posterior auricular

The following are characteristics of the facial artery

a. it follows a convoluted (“zigzag” or “tortuous”) course over the body of the mandible

b. it passes just anterior to the masseter muscle

c. it is a branch of the internal carotid artery

d. only a and b

e. a, b, and c

A branch of the external carotid artery in the neck is the

a. superficial temporal A.   

b. vertebral A.

c. subclavian A.                  

d. occipital A.

e. thyrocervical trunk

The structure that lies just below the floor of the tympanic cavity is the

a. internal jugular vein

b. internal carotid artery

c. facial nerve

d. chorda tympani nerve

e. tensor tympani muscle

The carotid sheath and its contents may be safely retracted as a unit during surgical procedures of the neck. The contents of the carotid sheath include all the following structures EXCEPT:

a. C.C.A                

b. I.C.A

c. vagus nerve       

d. sympathetic trunk

e. internal jugular vein

On the right side of the root of the neck the costocervical trunk usually arises from the

a. first part of the subclavian artery

b. second part of the subclavian artery

c. third part of the subclavian artery

d. brachiocephalic artery

e. arch of the aorta

In the root of the neck the subclavian artery and subclavian vein are separated by the

a. anterior scalene muscle

b. trunks of the brachial plexus

c. middle scalene muscle

d. all the above

e. a and b not c

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