DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES l Preclinical Endodontics MCQs for dental students
Diagnosis and treatment planning in endodontics
- If you are in doubt postpone initiating treatment until symptoms localize
- Diagnosis must always include identification of the cause of the disease so it can be removed
1- History:
- Chief complaint [ when did it start, where is the pain, describe the pain [ throbbing, sharp, dull etc ] , provoking and alleviating factors]
2- Clinical examination:
- Soft tissue : [ look for redness, swelling, sinus tracts etc ]
- Hard tissue : [ examine tooth structure for caries, fracture , exposed dentine, integrity of current restorations if present, check restorability of the tooth ]
Pulp sensibility tests
- reproduce the patient’s symptoms [ you need at least 2 signs and symptoms to confirm a disease]
- You always test the suspicious tooth LAST – do the test on an adjacent tooth + contralateral tooth and a tooth from the opposing arch.
1- Electrical pulp test [ EPT]
- Gives no indication about vascular blood supply
- Make sure the field is dry and apply conductive paste [ toothpaste or prophy paste] – apply EPT on the buccal surface of the tooth
- If the tooth is crowned → apply EPT on the margin
of the crown
- EPT reaches a high # and the patient doesn’t feel anything → -ve response
Causes of false positive of EPT
- stimulation of nerve fibers in the periodontium or adjacent tooth
- In multirooted teeth one canal might be non vital and the rest might be vital
- Not objective test because it depends on pt’s response
- C- fibers might still be present in the pulp [ more resistant to necrosis]
- Cell bodies of neurons are located in ganglia outside the pulp
Causes of false negative of EPT
- Inadequate contact with the stimulus.
- Tooth calcification
- Immature apical development
- Traumatic injury
- The test is subjective (Not objective)
- Regressive neural changes in elderly patients
- Patients who have taken analgesics
2- Heat testing [ only used if the CC is pain on hot food / drink ] – you can use:
- Heated Gutta percha / hot compound stick
- Dry rubber prophylaxis cup
- Hot water under rubber dam isolation [ best for testing full coverage restorations]
- Apply a lubricant [petroleum gel] onto the tooth surface to prevent hot material from sticking - then place the heated GP or hot compound stick on the buccal surface
3- Cold testing [ used when the CC is pain to cold ] – you can use
- Ice sticks [ rarely used because cold water will leak into the gingiva and cause a false positive response ]
- Ethyl chloride spray [ best ]
- Carbon dioxide [ dry ice sticks – extremely cold and can cause infraction lines in the enamel or pulpal damage]
N.B :
- in case you need to repeat the cold test – wait for 5 mins
- in electrical / thermal pulp testing → A- delta fibers conduct the
pain [ sharp and well localized] – but in case of inflammation C – fibers are
activated [ not very well localized pain]
- electrical and thermal pulp tests are called sensibility tests because they only indicate nerve response not blood supply [ we assume since there is nerve response that the pulp has viable blood supply and is vital]
4- Cavity test :
- Drilling the tooth without LA to ensure a negative response to cold/ hot test [ specially when you can’t notice a direct reason for necrosis]
- Used if all the other tests an inconclusive
Other tests that should be done during endo diagnosis:
1- Percussion test:
- when the inflammation spreads from the pulp to the PDL → the ability to localize the
pain increases [ because the PDL contains proprioceptive fibers]
- Tapping on incisal or occlusal surface by [ digital pressure, end
of a hand instrument , tooth sloth or a cotton swab] → TTP indicates periapical
- Always do percussion test first with your finger then with the handle of an instrument
- tooth slooth allows the application of forces on
individual cusps → very
useful to detect fractured teeth
- Ask the pt to bite down deeply and slowly then
open very quickly- If the pain occurs on releasing → cracked tooth
To check for cracked tooth :
- Anterior tooth → transillumination
- Posterior tooth → bite test
other causes of +ve percussion test :
- Traumatic occlusion / trauma injury
- High restoration
- Cracked tooth or vertical root fracture
- Maxillary sinusitis
- Periodontal abscess
2- Palpation test:
- when inflammation spreads
beyond cortical bone → swelling
can be detected by digital palpation
3- Mobility:
- done in buccolingual direction using index finger and the back of a hand instrument
Causes of isolated deep pockets:
- Periodontal disease
- PA pathology draining through the periodontium
- Developmental defect like Vertical grooves
- Vertical root fracture
- External root resorption
To detect cracks or fractures:
- Fiber optic transillumination can be used to detect cracks [ the piece closer to the light will appear brighter]
- dye staining : dye is applied inside the access cavity and then re examined after one week.
- Radiolucent lesion associated with a vital tooth is NOT FROM ENDODONTIC ORIGIN
- PA radiolucency resulting from pulp necrosis has “ hanging drop appearance” – beginning on the lateral surface of the root then extending apically. – this lesion does not change location when angles radiographs are taken.